
Children as Leaders

02.10.24 - School Council Meeting
The School Council met for the first time today and were very excited to get started! The group worked together to elect a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer. These roles were voted for by all Councillors and the positions were filled.
The team talked about the different charities they wanted to support this year. Suggestions included 'Cancer Research UK', 'Dementia UK' and 'Surfers Against Sewage'. With four votes in total, 'Surfers Against Sewage' was voted as this year's charity of choice. 
The Councillors talked about different ways of fundraising. Ideas included: a t-shirt making working, car boot sale, bake sale and cake competition, a colour run and a non-uniform day. At the next meeting, the team will decide what they want to do for their first fundraising event. 
The final item on the agenda focused on how to improve the school. Ideas included:
  • More footballs. 
  • Bigger and better goals.
  • A football & rugby team. 
  • A basketball hoop. 
  • Sorting the raised flower beds so they look more inviting. 
  • More school trips. 
  • Children making posters to advertise the school to other people. 
We closed the meeting by agreeing that Councillors would ask their classmates for ideas before the next meeting. 

Manaccan Primary School
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