
Ethos, Vision & Values

At Manaccan Primary School we strive to develop confident, self-assured, positive young people who ‘dream it, believe it & achieve it’. 


Our three school values are friendship, kindness and respect. These were selected by the pupils, staff and parents and underpin all that we do in school. Each value is also linked to a story book.


At Manaccan Primary School we also have three School Houses. Each child belongs to a House and this acts as their family throughout their time in school. When selecting our house names, we considered our location. We are near water, sand and the famous Goonhilly satellite station. We selected the words swim, sand and star and translated them into Ancient Greek: ZALI, AMMOS and ASTRON. Each House also has a House Captain - they are responsible for leading their House throughout the school year. 

Manaccan Primary School
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