
The Nursery Day

Morning Session: 8.50am - 12 noon

Afternoon Session: 12 noon - 3.15pm



All children can bring in a named water bottle for use during the session which can be taken home to be washed and refilled ready for the next day. Milk will be provided at snack time. Please provide a healthy fruit snack for the morning. 



It would be appreciated if all children could bring in a spare set of clothes just in case of accidents. These can be kept in their school bags in the cloakroom. Please ensure that you wash and return any borrowed clothes. 

Please ensure shoes have velcro fastenings as this enables your child to change their shoes independently. 



Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) an important emphasis is placed on outside learning. Children will need to have a coat with them every day and will also need to have a pair of wellington boots which can be left in the cloakroom.  Please put names in coats, boots and all items of clothing and personal belongings.



At Manaccan Nursery, we pride ourselves in supporting children through their toilet training phase. We understand that all children are unique and will learn and develop skills at different times throughout their lives. Therefore, we ensure that every child is supported through these phases effectively. 
We operate an open-door policy at Manaccan. Please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the nursery team if you have any problems, issues or concerns. We appreciate your support and input in your child’s early education and building up good communication links is crucial for combined success.

Manaccan Primary School
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