

Maths at Manaccan

 Starting in Nursery, our pupils are introduced and exposed to a range of mathematical methods and relevant and appropriate manipulatives. At Manaccan, we encourage our pupils to think, reason and problem-solve like mathematicians.


Mathematics at Manaccan aims to:

  • ensure all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, have frequent opportunities to reason mathematically and problem-solve in a variety of contexts.
  • to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals and sets them up with the fundamental skills to become successful in their future lives.
  • deliver the curriculum in a way that makes learning applicable to the real world, encouraging aspiration and providing culture capital. 
  • teach pupils that mathematics is a tool for everyday life. 
  • promote curiosity, enthusiasm, and enjoyment in all aspects of our maths curriculum.
  • develop a love of learning within mathematics.

We endeavour for our children to have real experiences, develop aspiration for the future and learn about maths in an inspiring way and therefore visitors, trips and cross-curricular links form a fundamental part of our curriculum.


At the core of our curriculum is the ‘White Rose’ scheme which starts from Nursery with 'Master the Curriculum' and Year R to Year 6 following the 'White Rose’ schemes of learning.  The curriculum is implemented in small steps’ to break down teaching sequences into logical, sequential steps to secure understanding of concepts before moving on.   These lessons happen daily throughout the school.  


We believe in the importance of ‘the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract’ as a means to develop secure understanding of mathematical concepts, from the first day that they join the school within our EYFS. Pupils work through the use of concrete manipulatives building to varied representations and ending with abstract calculations and questions.  

The scheme is supplemented with opportunities to undertake rich mathematical tasks to deepen understanding and apply mathematical skills and knowledge in different contexts. 


We understand the value and importance of securing an early understanding of number and developing a set of core calculation skills to provide firm foundations for mathematical achievement. We follow the Numbersense programme in Early Years to enable pupils to develop a deep understanding of numbers to ten, relationships between them and patterns within them. This will be developed in KS1 through the Number Facts Fluency programme & flashback 4 which aims to secure confidence and flexibility with number and help pupils to achieve factual fluency in addition and subtraction.  KS2 pupils have daily sessions to secure understanding of times tables facts using the Numbersense multiplication programme and consolidate understanding of key skills and knowledge through a daily arithmetic task.

Our curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of our children, including our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, so we spend time looking at and evaluating how children are learning. Teachers assess pupil progress towards understanding of concepts and adapt learning sequences accordingly, providing consolidation where appropriate.  This is achieved through talking to children, looking at their work, observing their learning experiences and analysing data and progress by year group, class, groups and individuals.   


Manaccan Primary School
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